
Having worked with computers in not only an IT setting but also as a hobby I have accrued a lot of experience using many Programs, Integrated Development Environments, and Programming Languages.

Office Tools


I have used Microsoft Access to track inventory, networking changes, and create prototypes for projects to be developed in the future. I also have taken classes on information management where we have used such software to demonstrate our skills with Access.

Microsoft Access

I utilize Microsoft Word when it comes to writing out documentation or explanations to co workers to better their knowledge and understanding of a technology or a service that we have provided.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel is an integral part to any workplace and in my work experience that has stayed true. From calculating total cost of parts and keeping track of current repairs Excel is a useful tool that has helped with calculations.

Microsoft Excel



Integrated Development Environments

I use Visual Studio Code not only for programming in school but I also use it for my personal projects. I use it with a variety of languages including Java, C#, Python, SQL, JavaScript, and CSS. I also use git hub integrated with as my version of source control.

Visual Studio Code

Using Eclipse to debug Java has been the best way to quickly run and debug more advanced java code. I use for school projects and for personal ones that run java as the variety of tools are great and they allow me to best utilize my knowledge of java to get the expected outcome.


With Jupyter Notebook I have been able to develop many personal projects in this IDE. My best project I have probably worked on would be using Jupyter Notebook is web scraping. This project would scrape the web for jobs on indeed and display them in a grid. See Projects to see more about this project.

Jupyter Notebook



Programming Languages

For school I mostly program in Java for the last 3 years. I have consistently demonstrated my knowledge and understanding of this language. Demonstrations and examples of my work can be found in projects and on my GitHub.


I use Python as a secondary programming language. It makes things easy to prototype and demo out features and functions that I want to include in other programs. This is also the language that I wrote a web scraper program demonstrated on my projects page.


SQL is important for use in any database. I am most familiar in Oracle SQL and MySQL. I have used both for school projects demonstrating the ability to manipulate and extract data from said databases.

Oracle SQL